Our studio is open by appointment only, not least because access is difficult. But if you’d like to pay us a visit, please call 07432 189149 to arrange it. We’re able to accept guests most weekends, and most Mondays and Tuesdays.
Our studio is in Sible Hedingham in North Essex, not far from Potters Lane – the centre of a medievil pottery industry. But our works are unique, utterly individual, and firmly 21st Century. You can find our business address details in the footer

Blazing sea – pot / vase
Cary mostly works using the coil pot and slab methods. However, a recent addition to the studio is a 25cm wheel, so thrown pots are also appearing on the shelves. We also have our own small kiln, so we fire all but the largest items on the premises – another reason why you need to make prior arrangements for a visit.

part-finished smudge pot